Sunday, October 30, 2011

Definitely Bigger then a Breadbox!

On July 22, 2011...we went to the hospital and the most wonderful lil' man ever came into this world. Sawyer!
Jason told me that I had to have one of those profile pictures of my final baby bump...and honestly, at the end, this was the last thing I thought we should capture on film..I was huge! At the time, the doctor was telling us that Sawyer was going to be nearly 12 lbs and he just wasn't dropping...Apparently I make a very hospitable place for growing babies. We opted to bring him a week early and have a c-section. Which helped to decrease my fears of giving labor.
I know that a lot of people say this is "taking the easy way out," but for anyone that hasn't had a c-section...don't knock it until you've tried it. The delivery was rough...but completely worth it. I remember Jason said he wasn't going to watch...but as I lay there with the drape shield up and not able to see anything...I knew that he was watching. Later Jason commented on how it was "crazy...but also something I definitely didn't want to see for myself."
There are those women out there who are doing these new "natural c-sections" where they see everything and actually help the doctor pull him thank you.
Before the delivery...Jason and I walked down to the delivery room. I had a few complications while they were trying to do the spinal...and while they told us that it would be about 10 minutes while they put the spinal in, Jason waited patiently. 50 minutes later, I remember telling them, "someone should go tell Jason I am alright." He was waiting patiently for his time to come in. And about an hour after getting started, finally we were ready. Jason came in, held my hand, smiled the entire time, while I know that what he was seeing was probably grossing him out.
About 5 minutes after the doctor's started the c-section, I remember saying "are they in there yet?" and Jason's words--"Um...oh yeah!" And after about 5 more minutes of convincing Sawyer that it was really time to face reality, the doctor was able to pry him from me. I joke now, that Sawyer (who was born with really long fingers and toes) was clinging to my rib cage and practicing his monkey bar routine.
We had the most amazing hospital stay and staff. The nurses were absolutely incredible...even Nurse Ratchet, the discharge nurse. I swear she is used solely for the reason to scare the hell out of Dad's about "being there" for their partner.
All I know is that we brought home the most adorable "mini-Jason" three days later and life has never been the same since.
Having our friends and family visit, call, and show us their support I know made all the difference in the world. We could have never known a year ago, how absolutely different our lives would be, but THANK GOD they are!

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